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How to get into Berghain: 10 tips for getting into the techno club

by | Nov 3, 2023 | Leisure

EastSeven Hostel Berlin Lounge

source: IMAGO / POP-EYE

Berghain is one of the most famous techno clubs in the world. A unique location, an extraordinary ambience and the best DJs in the world attract countless techno fans to the hallowed halls of Berlin’s most important club.

However, not every visitor is granted admission. Popular bouncers such as Sven Marquardt pay meticulous attention to compliance with the styling rules. Many a well-known face has had to vacate the premises. To make sure you get into Berghain, we at EastSeven Hostel in Berlin are happy to help you. Make sure you read our 10 tips and don’t miss out on any party at Berghain.

Lass dir keine Party im Berghain entgegensource: IMAGO / POP-EYE


1. Observance of the dress code

There is a secret dress code in all clubs. Sven Marquardt and other bouncers do not follow the fashion world. On the contrary, the vast majority of guests wear inconspicuous black. A boring outfit, however, is a no-go at Berghain. Many pimp their style with studded bracelets or leather chains. Black high heels are just as allowed as a discreet fetish look.

By the way, not all guests like it colorless. Some also come through the door with colorful floral prints and shoes without block heels. The only important thing is that the clothes need a theme and should not hinder you while dancing. Ideally, guests will follow the style of the big city and match the outfit of the other visitors. If you don’t stand out, you definitely have a good chance of spending an evening in the best techno palace. In this respect, dressing up makes no sense. It’s all about feeling good and having fun without limits.

Es geht ums Wohlfühlen und um Spaß ohne Grenzensource: Techno Outfits von https://nakt-studio.com/de


2. Selection of the appropriate time

At certain times of day, long lines form in front of Berghain. The problem is that the more techno fans visit the venue, the harder it is for bouncers to make a choice. After all, Berghain only has room for a certain number of people. In total, the club is designed for up to 500 people. On weekends, the rush is particularly high. Tip: Never go to Berghain on Friday or Saturday night between midnight and 2 am! Then the waiting time in line is enormous, and there is no guarantee for dancing either.

Anstehen Berghain Berlinsource: IMAGO / Votos-Roland Owsnitzki


3. Why your friends are important

Conspicuous people with bad behavior and drab styles are no-goes for bouncer Sven Marquardt. The former photographer wants to bring art and culture to Berlin’s most popular club. Berghain embodies a certain image to the outside world. The employees want to stay true to this. Put your group together carefully. Diversity and tolerance are invaluable in Berlin. Doormen also pay attention to gender balance. So don’t just bring buddies. Girls are also welcome in the club.


4. Keep calm

Waiting outside Berghain is annoying. Some people feel overwhelmed by it, they want to experience party and techno immediately. Restlessness sets in the queue, and that reduces the chances of getting in. Pass the time with interesting conversations. Get in the mood for a good evening. Check your outfit. Talk about your style, watch videos, but don’t take selfies in front of Berghain. You don’t have to take a photo of the club either. Don’t ask the bouncer for admission, don’t push and take a good picture.


5. Code of conduct in the queue

One of the most important tips is not about the dress code. It is far more important to behave properly in line. Don’t cut in front. Above all, you’d better stay friendly, even if other people in line raise their voices. And one thing is for sure: the bouncers are looking very closely at the wild goings-on. Anyone who tries to gain an advantage will be mercilessly kicked out and will not get into Berghain. Be friendly to your fellow men and stay calm even in difficult situations.

You can save yourself some time with the new Berghain app. Supposedly, it will inform you about the length of the queue – in real time. Visitors to the club contact other fans and report on the current situation. Whether the data is reliable, however, cannot be determined with certainty. Nevertheless, the app is a good guide, and it is free of charge anyway.


6. Do not consume any substances

Berlin has a lot to offer not only in terms of club culture. Also substances are not uncommon. Most visitors want to get into the right mood with alcohol before the Berghain. However, this is strongly discouraged. In Berlin, the bouncers are very strict when it comes to the consumption of alcohol or other drugs. Safety first. For this reason, Berghain checks behind the first door whether visitors are under the influence of drugs. Those who do not pass the security checks are turned away at the second door.


7. Not being conspicuous

Most people in Berlin are cool. They orient themselves to the group and behave openly and sympathetically. This goes down very well at Berghain, because pictures show a very tolerant attitude. Whether heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual: here, every visitor is the same. You should therefore be just as tolerant and open. Other people’s attitudes do not have to match yours. However, it is easier for everyone if you accept other people’s lifestyles.

Inversely, you can be just as sure of the respect of your fellow men. In Berghain you are simply you. Don’t pretend. Stand up for yourself, because that’s how you have the best chance of visiting the halls behind the door. Be authentic even after the entrance. Meet all visitors at eye level.

im Berghain Berlinsource: PEXELS / Anna Shvets


8. Avoid discussions with the bouncer

Every night there are discussions. Bouncers try to avoid them. Nevertheless, there are always visitors who put their luck to the test. Certain items you should not take with you to Berghain. If bouncers forbid you to take certain things with you, then you should follow the instructions. Discussions never lead to the desired result. Remember: Bouncers definitely have the longer arm.

Türsteher Berghain Berlinsource: PEXELS / Energepic


9. Why tolerance is important

Tolerance does not only refer to the sexual orientation of other visitors in Berghain. Every person is individual and deserves your respect. This is the only way you can enter Berlin’s nightlife together and experience unforgettable moments. Aspects such as origin, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation and dress code do not matter. Everyone is looking for fun and love. The Berghain writes this approach very big. Therefore, it is important that you also have these attitudes.

Warum Toleranz wichtig istsource: PEXELS / Mikhail Nilov


10. No means no

Sometimes bouncers just reject you. Maybe the parties are already too crowded, or your behavior was out of line. In rare cases, you don’t know the reason for the rejection. But even in this case, you will have to take the no for an answer. A quarrel will not get you behind the door. If you argue, the worst that can happen is that bouncers will remember you negatively.

You are traveling with a group and everyone is following the dress code? No one shows any conspicuous behavior, and you are all in a good mood? And still the bouncers turn you away? Don’t worry! This is completely normal. Just try again the following weekend and don’t take the rejection personally.

By the way, EastSeven Hostel is not far from Berghain. With us you will find an attractive and cheap accommodation after the party.

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